The Geography of Research and Development Activity in the U.S.


In the U.S., metropolitan areas contain the largest concentrations of people and jobs. Despite some drawbacks, these so-called agglomeration economies also have benefits, such as the cost savings that result from being close to suppliers and workers. Spatial concentration is even more pronounced among establishments that do basic research and development (R&D). In this article, we show that geographic concentration of R&D extends beyond locations such as Silicon Valley. In fact, many types of R&D establishments are highly concentrated geographically.

Business Review, 2008:Q3, pp. 1 - 11
Kristy Buzard
Kristy Buzard
Associate Professor of Economics

My current research focuses on the formation and maintenance of international trade agreements, conflict resolution, and innovation. I am particularly interested in the impact of international institutions, government structure and domestic political pressure on the possibilities for cooperation.
